Crewsaver's First All-Ladies Angling Team
Competing in the Sea Angling Classic to reel in funds to support the fight against cancer

Team Crewsaver, comprising of four women with varying levels of fishing experience, aims to raise vital funds to donate to Cancer Research UK to support the fight against cancer. Meet Gemma, Hannah, Izzy, and Emma — four women making waves in the angling community. In a display of purpose and unity, the first all-ladies team is set to participate in the annual Sea Angling Classic from June 20-23, 2024, at Premier Marina Port Solent.

Own your pink lifejacket here

pink lifejacketOur team is not just about angling excellence; we're also committed to making a difference. In support of Cancer Research UK, we've launched the pink lifejacket initiative. By donating £100 or more, you will receive one of our specially designed pink lifejackets. Your help will fund vital research in the fight against cancer. These lifejackets symbolise our team's unity and our shared mission to support those affected by cancer.

Join us in our journey to the Sea Angling Classic and help us make a positive impact. Click the link below to learn more about our fundraising efforts and to donate to Cancer Research UK. Together, we can cast a line for a cause and reel in a brighter future!



Anchored in hope, catching tope - Meet the team

Gemma Robins, team fishing captain
"Ship happens"Gemma Robins

How long have you been fishing? - 14 months

How did you first get into fishing? - After visiting BoatLife in 2023 and hearing about the Sea Angling Classic and the prize boat, I thought it would be fun to enter, even though I had never fished before in my life!

What was the first fish you caught? - The First fish I caught was a codling from the shore in the River Mersey

Do you have a memorable fishing experience? - Fishing at the Sea Angling Classic in 2023, we had two big smooth hounds on board at the same time, it was manic but so fun

What is it that you love about fishing? - When Im fishing my mind is totally clear. I'm not thinking about my to do list, and other problems in life. My mind is relaxed and focused on the peace of the water

What one thing can you not go fishing without? - It is now my lucky socks after winning my first competition the first time I wore my lucky pink fishing socks!

What advice would you give to someone new to fishing? - Don't start! It's to addictive! Fishing is something I never imagined I would enjoy, but I have fallen in love with it, its great for your mental health and everyone should give it a go!

What are you looking forward to most at your second Sea Angling Classic? - I'm looking forward to being part of the first all ladies team at the classic, and to show other women that fishing is not just a man's sport.


Hannah Burywood, the secret weapon
Survitec Director of Marketing, Communications & Engagement

Hannah BurywoodHow long have you been fishing? How did you first get into fishing? - My dad is an avid lake and river fisherman, I started to join him when I was six. I used to tag along with him on his fishing trips, although he often jokes that I had a short attention span of about 19 minutes. My first experience of sea fishing was when I was a sailing instructor in Weymouth, catching mackerel and pollock off the back of the yacht.

What was the first fish you caught? - The first fish I caught was a roach. This was during one of our annual family holidays to the Norfolk Broads, a tradition we still maintain to this day.

Do you have a memorable fishing experience or a favourite catch? - Anchored in hope. Catching tope! Reeling in a tope without realising!

What is it that you love about fishing? - I love being on the water and the excitement of catching a fish.

What one thing can you not go on the water without? - I always bring a change of clothes; on the off chance I might fall in!! Danger never takes a holiday 😉

What was your first reaction to being asked to join the all-ladies team? - I was incredibly excited and honoured to be asked. It’s a fantastic opportunity to be part of a team that celebrates women in fishing, and I’m looking forward to contributing to our success and raising money for a very important cause.

What do you like to do when you're not fishing? - My two little French bulldogs, Peanut and Toby are my pride and joy and keep me very busy.

What are you looking forward to most at the Sea Angling Classic? - Working as a team to catch all the fish and raising as much money as we can for a very important cause.


Izzy George, driven by passion
Survitec Marketing Manager Wearables & Leisure

Izzy GeorgeHow long have you been fishing? - Not even a year, it’s a very new experience as I’ve never been involved in this world before. In fact… it’s exactly 42 weeks ago I even went out to give it a go.

How did you first get into fishing? - Paul Callus, Crewsaver Head of Sales Export, invited me to a BoatLife event which I attended. I loved the day and when we went into partnership with SAC24, I wanted to give it a go again.

What was the first fish you caught? - My first was very boring, a little mackerel but I was so proud that I caught anything.

Do you have a memorable fishing experience or a favourite catch? - Seeing a smooth hound for the first time, I was amazed at how beautiful but big they were. I got to hold a very tiny one the first time and I was in love!

What is it that you love about fishing? - Honestly, the people. I’ve never been involved in such a kind and supportive community and then really made this last year so enjoyable.

What one thing can you not go on the water without - My lifejacket! Cliché I know, but knowing that I can enjoy an area of the planet safely is a really comfort blanket for me.

What was your first reaction to being asked to join the all-ladies team? - Such pride, I love Crewsaver, I love my role at Survitec and being able to represent the brands was a real privilege.

What do you like to do when you're not fishing? - I am sure everyone who knows me knows this answer… Wolverhampton Wanderers! My biggest passion in life is football and it’s something that I spend much of my time watching/travelling for it.

What are you looking forward to most at the Sea Angling Classic? - Actually putting some of my new skills to the test in a competitive environment! I can’t wait to see what everyone catches and then I am looking forward to being out on the water with 3 lovely people!

Do you have any tips for anyone wanting to get into fishing? - If you have a chance, give it a go. I took the plunge and went out less than a year ago and it was the best thing I’ve done in a very long time. There are so many people who can and want to help! I couldn’t recommend it more


Emma York, boat skipper
Fresh Approach Digital

EmmaHow long have you been fishing? - I have only been twice, unless crabbing counts! I am an absolute beginner.

What was the first fish you caught? - One of only two fish I have caught myself was a Pouting on the Solent.

Do you have a memorable fishing experience? - Given that I have only been twice, I was very fortunate that the second fish I have ever caught was a weighty undulate ray. I will always remember this stunning marine animal and found it a lot harder to reel in than I was expecting.

What one thing can you not go on the water without? - Always a lifejacket, but I never go on the water without a waterproof phone case. Everything is content!

What was your first reaction to being asked to join the all-ladies team? - I was initially shocked when asked if I would join the team, given my very limited fishing experience. But the mission of the team and what we hope to achieve is something I am very proud to be part of.

How do you see yourself fitting in with the team? - As the team boat skipper my role is to get us safely and quickly out to the fishing spots. While I don’t come with any fishing skills I have been on boats, working on boats most of my life and I am excited to spend more time on our team vessel, the Parker Pilothouse 700.

What do you like to do when you're not fishing? - If I am not on the water sailing and racing, I am playing hockey for Hamble Ladies 1s.

What are you looking forward to most at the Sea Angling Classic? - After a very fun practice day I am most looking forward to spending more time with my three teammates. I know we will catch fish and I know we will have fun and I hope along the way we can inspire more people to have a go at fishing, to stay safe at sea and to support Cancer Research UK.