The Crewfit 150N XD offers the ultimate in advanced comfort and performance technologies. Using a modular design the XD offers a choice of covers, inflation and harness options to best suit your requirements.
Fusion 3D technology provides complete freedom of movement and ensures the lifejacket remains comfortable even during long periods of use, whilst the unique design with built in twin waist adjusters allows for easy donning.
The fire retardant cover provides an efficient choice for welders and anyone that needs protecting from sparks and embers. The cover is made of a blend of fire resistant fibres with an aluminised face.
SKU | Product Name |
9241FRA | Crewfit 150N XD Fire Retardant Automatic |
9241FRH | Crewfit 150N XD Fire Retardant Hammar |
9241FRM | Crewfit 150N XD Fire Retardant Manual |
SKU | Product Name |
9245FRA | Crewfit 150N XD Fire Retardant Automatic Harness |
9245FRH | Crewfit 150N XD Fire Retardant Hammar Harness |
9245FRM | Crewfit 150N XD Fire Retardant Manual Harness |
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SKU | Product Name | |
10017 | Black Auto Capsule MK5i Unpackaged | |
12045 | 38g Cylinder Unpackaged |
SKU | Product Name | |
11104 | Hammar MA1 Automatic Capsule |
SKU | Product Name | |
Crewsaver Surface Light (CSL) | View | |
SUPFIT-BLKWT | Black & White Cheque Supply & Fit | |
SUPFIT-GWT | Green & White Cheque Supply & Fit | |
SUPFITHOODXD150 | Spray Hood 150N XD Supply and Fit |
SKU | Product Name | |
SUPFITCSL | CSL Light Supply and Fit | |
SUPFIT-BWT | Blue & White Cheque Supply & Fit | |
SUPFIT-RWT | Red & White Cheque Supply & Fit |